
All on 4 and All on 6 Dental Implants are two of the most popular dental techniques. People around the world come to Nova Dental Clinic in Costa Rica for this kind of treatment.

To understand this solution, is important to know what a dental implant is. A dental implant is basically a small titanium screw that’s inserted into your jawbone in the space left by a missing tooth. The replacement of missing teeth is important to a patient’s oral health and overall well-being.

An All on 4 On All On 6 Dental Implants are cost-efficient solution that provides patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the day of surgery. Those are option for patients who need numerous teeth replaced, or even a whole upper or lower set of teeth. (This information can be found also in our main dental implants section)

Four appliances are placed by Dr.Obando into the jawbone. It’s a quick and minimally invasive procedure. The pain is minimized by the use of efficient support techniques like The Wand Painless Anesthesia.

Then an implant bridge is secured in place. It will never need to be removed and will resemble the appearance of your natural teeth.

This procedure is recommended for patients with virtually no bone on the jaw and there is no need for any complex bone grafting procedures.

Looking for All on 4 and All on 6 Dental Implants in Costa Rica? Contact us for more information and appointments.

23 Oct, 2012

State of the Art Dentistry in Costa Rica

As the world becomes more technological each day, dentistry doesn’t steps behind. Each day new concepts and techniques in dentistry appear to improve dental treatment and enhance oral health and aesthetics.

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26 Oct, 2022

Clinic Profile: Dr.Obando@Nova Dental

I must be spoiled by super fast internet back home. I did the tour and interview @ NOVA dental yesterday, but it took all night for the video to upload. I finally went to bed around midnight last night and it was still only 70% done at that time. Woke up this morning and it had finished, but I had to get out the door for a day of exploring.

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