Dental Implant Procedure Steps
Types of Dental Implants
Dr. Luis Obando at the 3rd Implant Direct Symposium
As part of his continued interest for education and training with the best dental professionals around the world, Dr. Luis G. Obando attended the 3rd Implant Direct Symposium on the beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain from October 23th to October 25th 2015.
Clinic Profile: Dr.Obando@Nova Dental
I must be spoiled by super fast internet back home. I did the tour and interview @ NOVA dental yesterday, but it took all night for the video to upload. I finally went to bed around midnight last night and it was still only 70% done at that time. Woke up this morning and it had finished, but I had to get out the door for a day of exploring.
2014 AO Annual Meeting: Real Problems, Real Solutions
This year, Dr. Luis G. Obando will attend the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration in Seattle, Washigton. This congress is considered by many as one of the most important odontological activities in the year.
Dental Care From Birth to 6 Months
A child’s dental care really starts with his or her mother’s healthy pregnancy, because baby teeth begin to form before birth. If you are pregnant, eat a balanced, nutritious diet and be sure to get enough vitamins and minerals.
Chocolate as an alternative to fluoride?! That’s some sweet news!
Breaking human clinical trial reveals that an extract from chocolate is actually more effective than fluoride for treating dental hypersensitivity
Can Poor Dental Health Cause Dementia?
Poor dental health and gum disease may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, a new study from the University of Central Lancashire School of Medicine and Dentistry suggests.
Extranjeros prefieren a Costa Rica para realizarse tratamientos dentales
El turismo médico internacional prefiere a Costa Rica para realizarse servicios de odontología, cirugías para perder peso y los tratamientos estéticos.